Bob Marley and the Waylers; Three little birds. Durarà la meua relació? Canviaré de treball?
Don't worry about a thing
'Cause ev'ry little thing gonna be alright
Singin', "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause ev'ry little thing gonna be alright."
Rise up this morning,
Smiled with the rising sun
Three little birds pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs of melodies pure and true
Sayin', "This is my message to you-u-u."
The Specials. Durarà la meua relació? Canviaré de treball?
Is everybody happy?
knock, knock, knock, knock
You can't come in
knock, knock, knock
You can't come in
You're wondering now, what to do, now you know this is the end
You're wondering how, you will pay, for the way you did behave
Curtain has fallen, now you're on your own
I won't return, forever you will wait
You're wondering now, what to do, now you know this is the end
Curtain has fallen, now you're on your own
I won't return, forever you will wait
You're wondering now, what to do, now you know this is the end
You're wondering how, you will pay, for the way you did behave
You're wondering now, what to do, now you know this is the end
You're wondering now, what to do, now you know this is the end
2 comentaris:
Ui, a mi m'ha eixit un amic en forma d'almorrana brutal, mai no saps el que et pots trobar a l'agost!!
Berna te vaig vore en el Marbelleta quan eixies d'Andorra!! Nosaltres entràvem en eixe moment, sobre la 1 del migdia.
We are watching you!!
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